Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Project Day 2012-Painted Pavers

Each year, our county hosts a 4-H project day to make projects for the youth to exhibit at Achievment Days and State Fair. This year, our project day was in July (I know, I should have started this sooner, but I finally got a break from being completely swamped!). This was my first year being in chrage of the WHOLE afternoon and it was really exciting! Using Pinterest I found three awesome, easy projects that youth of all ages LOVED. Each was supposed to take about an hour, but the time varied for each one. I got pictures of most of the finished products and was excited to see them earn purple ribbons at both Fairs! Below you will find a description of one of the projects we did, complete with pictures!

Painted Pavers
This one was really easy for kids of all ages! I went to Menards (or you could go to any home improvement store) and purchased cement patio pavers. We did a longer paver with a scalloped edge. (They were 22 pounds a piece, so I recommend something smaller if they are going to be transported quite a bit, like ours were!). I then painted them with a sealant that allows cement to be painted. Without this, the paint will not stick to the cement. You can also purchase this in various sizes from any home improvement store. Then it was the kid's turn! I provided paint, paintbrushes, painters tape, and clothes to save the tables and let them go!
After letting the pavers dry for between 30 mins to 1 hour, they were ready to go! These were some of the finished products displayed at Achievment Days!

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